aloeveragel · eczema problems · Testimonials

Aloe Vera and Eczema Testimony

Eczema Miracle with Aloe Vera:

This is her aloe vera and eczema story:

Aloe Vera and eczema“I first started suffering from eczema in 1992 after moving house. Mainly affecting small patches on my hands, it was kept under control by steroid cream from the doctor. As the years went on, it got progressively worse. I remember that when I got married in 2000 I had to wear long satin gloves to cover up the eczema, which had crept up my arm to my elbow. It seemed that any form of stress would bring my eczema on. I remember briefly talking to Andrea at my little boy’s  school fair in June 2007, and I had a brief look at the Forever Products. To be quite honest I didn’t take it that seriously as I was just content with managing the eczema with the cream from the doctor. It was usual for eczema to flare up, and I would cover my eczema with steroid cream, then two to three days later I would lose a layer of skin and then start all over again. By the time I saw Andrea again at the school fair the following year, my eczema was in dreadful state. My eczema was up to my elbows again on both arms, and my hands were so bad I could hardly bend my fingers. The skin on my finger joints would very often crack and on at least one occasion became infected, resulting in antibiotics and steroid tablets being prescribed by the doctor. I quite literally looked like a burns victim. To top it off the eczema had started to appear in patches on my face around my eyes and mouth and I couldn’t use steroid cream in these areas. Going out with red patches all over my face did not help my self-esteem. I found that I could do less and less of the things with my hands people normally take for granted: a simple task like washing-up was just too painful, so that job got passed on to my husband (not a bad thing). The whole situation was making me feel thoroughly miserable. I was in a state of heightened anxiety when I saw Andrea the following year – this time I took her advice for my eczema on the best way forward. With the money back guarantee, I felt I had nothing to lose. I bought Aloe Vera Gel, Propolis Crème, Aloe Vera Gelly and Aloe Liquid Soap. I agreed to stop using my steroid cream, and started to use the Aloe Liquid Soap and Propolis Crème; I took120mls of Aloe Vera each day I had never applied steroid cream to my skin from the first day of using the products. The gel was easy to take every morning and became routine. The Aloe Vera Gelly was soothing around my eyes. At the same time I remember well how tough it was to use the  Aloe Propolis Crème in place of the steroid. When I first used it, it stung  so much that I couldn’t speak for ten minutes and I was applying it at least six times a day! Every time my eczema was itchy and I felt like scratching, I would use thePropolis Crème.

I got through so much of it. Andrea was in touch with me every few days, which was a great help because without her support in those early days, I am sure I would have given up. She was the voice of reassurance that kept me going. My skin felt different before I could actually see a difference. As time went by my eczema got better and better and after a few months I was finally able to wear my wedding ring again which I had not been able to do for about a year. My seven year old son sometimes gets mild eczema, so he drinks 30mls of Aloe Berry Nectar every morning. He bathes in Aloe Bath Gelee and uses onlyAloe Liquid Soap for washing hands. All our clothes are washed in MPD. So far his eczema outbreaks are down to a minimum. He calls my Propolis Crème ‘Mummy’s magic cream’ and everyone in the house now uses it for every scratch, bite or spot that appears. We do not have to visit our doctor regarding our  eczema anymore – instead we just make our next order of products. The future is bright. Thank goodness I went to that school fair and thank goodness for Andrea! Where would I be now without you?”

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